I know it says goals but it should really say goal, without the “s” at the end. Why? Because your website should have one primary goal. The goal is the reason behind your website’s existence.
Don’t get me wrong, your website can and will play multiple roles and have secondary goals but you want to make sure you are solving one major thing and that’s usually the reason why you are in your business now.
The reason that we want to think this way with our online products is because it helps us form our strategy. Say you’re new to the market but successful. People are interested in your service, except they don’t know when you’re open or they get confused when looking for your business. A website isn’t always the best initial solution since it will take time to launch. Maybe we need to start with a directory listing on Google Maps. A website can support this listing and location information eventually but directory listings can go live much faster.
Your website should at least be a source of some general business information that builds on why your business exists. If you have products you’re selling, services, or other business needs you can remove the barriers and provide it online.
It’s hard to start anything when there’s either no goal or multiple goals.
Here’s how you get started. Make a list of everything you’d like your website to do. It doesn’t matter how large or small you think it is. Once your list is done rank the items in order of importance based on your business needs. Now take that list and keep it somewhere reference it for the next few weeks and take notes. You may add things to the list, remove them, combine them, and reorganize them. The rankings will change but over that time you’ll have a clear idea of what will be the most lucrative thing for you to do.
Good luck and if you have any questions or need someone to keep you accountable, contact me.