What Are You Really Selling?

This seems like a straightforward question. Here at BOYGA, we’re selling digital marketing services…or are we?

Well, it depends on your perspective.

If we put ourselves in our clients’ shoes, of course, it’s brand recognition, reputation management, a website, or valuable insight and strategy that we’re selling. If you take a step back from the services and think about what those services are for, you get into their why.

Why are they providing what they are providing, and how do they connect with consumers? Think about this when it comes to some other brands. Kurt Geiger sells status and luxury. Hallmark sells us love. Patagonia sells us adventure.

As digital marketers, we provide a means to an end. People and organizations invest in websites, SEO, email marketing, and more because they want more customers and sales, and we provide that. However, the true key to connecting with their customers is understanding the feelings and emotions that customers get from their products and connecting with those.

If you need help with that connection, give us a call, and we’ll help you.

Take some time and think about the products and services you love. How do they motivate you? How do they make you feel? How has that impacted what money and time you do or don’t spend with them?

Thinking through the thought process of what you’re truly selling is one of the keys to success in marketing. Here’s some homework to get you started. In the image above, what is being sold?

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